skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, June 22, 2006

the saga concludes...

first off.. i'd like to point out how i don't think the evil orange kitty is really evil anymore. yes, he (or she?) seems to have a serious issue with napoleon which leads to lots of holes in our damn screen, but when you see it without napoleon in the area, it just dies for attention.
i'm thinkin it might be slightly jealous, or perhaps is just trying to establish some sort of kitty dominance, but i don't know.
br was outside one night when eok came around and it just purred and purred and purred. it's really a good cat i think, but he's the leader of the neighbourhood and i guess it's just trying to keep up appearances. don't tell anyone i said that tho...

napoelon is an indoors cat becasue when br and i move to a high rise in the concrete jungle that is toronto, he will not be able to be an outdoor cat. i didn't want to be cruel and get him used to it just to snatch it away from him... of course i'll take him out on a lead and stuff but until then, he's gotta settle for the pebbles and planters around the pool house. he really likes rubbing all up on them... i dunno cuz he's itchy? but he sheds like a mother fucker and i take him outside in an attempt to lessen the fur that will inevitably be all over my work clothes. it doesn't really work.

"who uses flash outside? you're such an idiot. and you see that flower? i'm totally going to eat it when you're not looking."

"...what... what is that on the outskirts of the frame? is it a minge? is it a rock? no! it's your toe! and i'm totally going to bite you. just because i can."

"crap. caught... uh... whatever this shiznit is good... mmmmm..."

alright... blogger has had it for downloading pictures. what is there a quota now or something? i have two more pics i wanna show but whatever. next week or tomorrow or something

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

o thank god...

finally... blogger has decided to not be petulant. bastard... sorry! didn't mean it (but i totally did)...
anyway.... first picture? this is the image of the skull at the top of the sock. it's loose and if you look closely you can see holes where the colours change- that's because of the crappy way that i did the colour change. i'm hoping that with the tighter knit that i'm doing now the skull will be more visible. maybe i'll edge it in black later...
this is what the inside looked like. kinda scary, like an alien mouth or something... gross huh? can you just imagine how pissed i'd be having to weave in all those bloody ends? good god people. i don't have that kind of patience!
the difference! ah ha! the one on the left is the one i restarted. you can see the difference in the 1) ribbing at the top- it's much tigther and the rows seem straighter to me... but that might just be me... but also, you can see the the difference in the skulls. i hate working with four needles. but it's much thinner and better looking than the first.

and look- look at this inside! no ends! none! no work for me later! see those nice neat little rows? lookin good if i do say so myself. so... i guess it'll be smooth sailling from here on in until i get to the heel... eek!!

i sincerely do not like blogger anymore. i have been trying to freakin post my pictures of napoleon for the last umpteenmillion minutes and it just i am not impressed.

Monday, June 19, 2006

my latest endeavour

before i get to the awesome kitty pictures (that i know you are just *dying* to see...) i have to talk about my latest endeavour...

the skull socks.

except they are not red, they are going to be light blue. no, there aren't any pictures right now because... well because i have a story that goes along with it.
so i started with the pattern and as you can see at first it says

cast on 52 and work 1x1 rib for 1.5" and then start stockinette stitch for another inch before working into the pattern...
so yea i'm workin away with my little needles and i really don't like working with four needles but i hate even more working with a round needle, so i like, can't win. but anyway. i think it was probably too loose (the rib) but i continued with it cuz really it's my first sock ever and everything and i'm allowed to make mistakes... so blah blah blah i get a lot tighter with the stockinette and things are going smooth until i start adding in the white for the pattern.
yes. well. i did it wrong obviously. cuz i didn't know what the hell i was doing, i just switched right into the white without doing anything (maybe i knotted it i don't know) and then when it was time to switch back to the blue i just switched back to the blue.
1st mistake- i fucked up the pattern
2nd mistake- because i was carrying the stupid yarn over and making the damn thing too small and tight and especially loose so i said frigg this and i pulled it all out and started again.

so i figured the second time around i would just read my little stitch and bitch and figure out how to do intarsia... so i read the instructions and yea. didn't understand. so did what i thought was right and again. completely wrong. now instead of having attached loops of yarn bogging down the inside of my sock, i have tassels! lots and lots of tassels! hideous! because i'm just cutting them off and leaving tails that i can weave in later. hideous!
and then i realise... wait. why don't i just... yes that might work.
i carried the white over the blue and knitted over the strand so it stayed nicely and neatly in place. no fuss, no muss, no making it smaller or holier. better.

half of the sock looks *beautiful* and the other half was a horrible octopus mess. and i'd fucked up the pattern by not counting and forgetting just at what point i was at in the pattern.

so last night, instead of finishing, i cut off my strand and started again. i'll do that a lot. :D

since blogger is being a bitch again today i wont be able to post the pictures of the kitty that i wanted to... they're so cute too and i really wanted to show him off a bit.

stoopid booger... i mean blogger.

Friday, June 16, 2006

i'm stealing again...

... this time from chris and chaos

project spectrum...
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this seinfeld, season 1 & 2, volume 1 box is.... blue! i love seinfeld. i need to get volume 5 to be up to date with my collection. we have a lot of box sets because we only have three channels and not a lot of good syndicated shows come on them. like montel... or maury... but we do get judge judy!

this is my sexy puma jacket (that's actually getting quite dingy) that i bought when i was in new york o so long ago (good trip, could done with being their longer however...)... i lurve this jacket and wear it everywhere. but as i get bigger, it mysteriously gets smaller and is no longer the coverup i once intended it to be. fat only makes everything worse people. i still love you puma jacket (hugs) it'll go quite nicely with the pair of chocolate uggs i'm planning on getting when i move to america's favourite big sister to the north, canada.

this is pool water, what i get to see every morning and evening when i leave and come home. i have not yet swum in this pool water as it is too.damn.cold for me. yes. i am a wuss. if i go swimming at all it'll probably be like, august 28. the day before i leave. but you can enjoy looking at it!

last but not least... for your viewing pleasure, stuffed penis in electric blue man-thong. we were at (one of) the local sexy things shops and i couldn't help but capture this *monstrosity* on film. don't worry... i didn't force anyone to get naked and don this disaster, it's a mannequin. hence the overstuffedness of the dong. heh... and the distinct lack of furriness!

sigh... this has been fun.

now, some adorably cute pictures of my resident evil, napoleon.

alright fine. blogger refuses to let me post adorable pictures of napoleon so you'll have to wait for monday, when i have tme to fuck witht he bastrard.

have a good weekend kiddies! don't do anything i wouldn't!

Thursday, June 15, 2006


the stuff this guy writes is deep... it hits me right in the centre of my chest and radiates throughout me for the rest of the day.

but i read this
particular post and cried a little, because that's how i feel.

shouldn't we, as a developing race, be looking after those creatures that can't look after themselves in our increasingly modern and technological world? we may have the ability to fight the common cold etc... but as we advance, we, as a species, grow weaker and weaker. how many of us can truly say that we can live and survive in the cold outdoors, in nature, physically fending for ourselves and our families?
well, that's what those creatures do everyday, they live the same way the did fifty, one hundred, two thousand years ago.
and as we advance, we forget that they stay the same, and that where we may be better because of it, they suffer.
chicken's, squirrels, toads trying to cross the road getting run over by cars- all they want is to get to shelter and vegetation. all we want is to be where we need to be faster.
my heart bleeds for every animal suffering at the hand of man- rats, mice, birds, cats, dogs, fish, the list is endless.
it's depressing what we're doing. they have no control over their *lives*... it's cruel. people are so mindless of their surroundings, so consumed in me, me, me, here and now. i want! give it! i don't care what the consequences are, or how it will affect anyone or anything else.
i don't know. maybe i'm too sensitive.
but shouldn't every animal have a voice and not just the chosen few?

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

my cat has been let out of his bag... proverbially.

heh... yes. the world can know now... i am off to school!

i handed in my resignation the other friday (complicated reason... not because i just so desperately want to get the h-e-double hocky stick out of here... *cough*). and the staff were made aware of my impending departure. *i like big words*

so... yea. like i've said i've checked out. and i've been looking into the calendars and stuff and i'm so freakin excited just to leave. did you know that it's going to cost us $180 to get the damn cat out there? yea. i might as well just claim him as a child. he's under 2... can't he go for free??? at least i don't need to get him a passport.

but neway. i'm going to minor in marketing i think. i want to be able to do it all... all of it. one day i plan on being the editor-in-chief of my own magazine. you will read it and like it and do the quizes. (that means you).

we're going to toronto soon (july 8... *yay*) to look for apartments, so ... crossing my fingers that we can get something decent, close to the school and allowing pets. i want two. pets that is. and two bedrooms but since money doesn't come out of my ass like i've been hoping, we can only afford the one.

so when i'm not looking up pressing apartment and or decorating matters, i'm totally being obsessed with another one of jamie's quiz's and shiznit. the latest? this. no... not the story about how she can't live in mn (no offense chris and chaos) but the crazy picture from *click on this link for the image. blogger is being a bitch today and won't let me download it. bitch*

jamie really knows how to feed my obsessive compulsive side and as soon as i saw this picture... well not *as* soon but soon there after... i began the quest to find the answers. at this point i think i'm up to 90 (?) give or take. it is my desktop at work and when i get particulalry bored (all the time) i look at it and try to get the last few. not like i could win anything because i'm not a legal us resident of 18 years or older and i'm not blah blah blah yada yada yada no purchase necessary void where prohibited.
but i like to be right. can you blame me?

adorable pictures of napoleon sunning to come soon- as soon as i feel like plugging in the camera and downloading them that is. happy hump day!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

after she stole it, i stole it from her*

list ten things you want to say to ten people you know, but never will for whatever reason. don’t say who they are. use each person only once and only use one sentence

1. i can't hate you because you are a product of your upbringing, but you're more fucked than i will ever be and that's satisfying
2. i regret losing you, can we try again?
3. i want to lock you away from the world so you can't make mistakes anymore
4. our friendship feels like a farse- what do i really mean to you if you can't accept who i am?
5. i wonder if this is really a forever thing
6. i look up to you but i would never want to be like you
7. you're a waste of the precious air that we breathe- people like you make me wish i weren't human.
8. everything you stand for makes me sick to my stomach
9. you're the one person i've always wanted but can never have, and i wouldn't have it any other way
10. that chip on your shoulder runs deep- even though you try to mask your insecurities behind lies and a fake personality, i see right through you

*she being jamie

idiots... the lot of them

it doesn't seem, to me, that the crisis of ignorant government officials will be over any time soon.

i suggest that we the people requisition nasa and relocate to mars, or uranus (giggle)... in order to start anew, and populate the planet with only intelligent people. i propose this plan will take some years in the planning and actual execution... but... it should be done.
then we can leave the war lord's and "politicians" to blow themselves up. or perhaps they'd go green with envy over the new planet and beg to be let in because it'll be all cool and no money and disco balls and shoes and yarn everywhere.

but by that time we'll bring our ingenious self governance back to planet earth and we'll know how to stop global warning and tectonic drift and all will be right with mother nature and she won't want to clear cut the human population with her natural selection tactics.

am i the only one who thinks that's a good idea?

we could so live here.

Friday, June 02, 2006

please excuse my sexual orientation, i don't know what i was thinking!

fresh off the heels of the latest article on homosexual rights, i'm incensed and convinced of the the fact that my government and my island are run by the powers that be, mainly, the catholic church and it's subsidiaries.

recently, a government backbencher tabled a bill that would see discrimination against homosexuals on all counts outlawed.
i believe that this, although "liberal" would mean major progress for this tiny island nation. but alas, our old-fashioned government decided that instead of debating this when it reaches the floor, we're going to give it the silent treatment and then shout a resounding "NO" when asked which way we go.
stoopid archaic government. and then the church bursts onto the scene with their other worldly ramblings preaching how gay and lesbian people are *just.wrong.* and that the government taking a stand against allowing them to have *rights* as *human beings* which we are ALL ENTITLED TOO... is a step in the right direction, showing the community that we are a good christian society and we will.not. stand. for. it.

well, velvet gloves... far be it for us to play god... but at least the government could have stolen a backbone from one of the opressed and stood up for it self in a manner befitting the rulers of a nation. what are they proving to the people? that they're all still irreverantly childish?
it's like we're on the playground bickering about who's going to play with the pail and shovel next. they taken me back to my pre-school days when i was cast aside because my hair was different.
what the government and the all powerful church are teaching the public is that prejudice is right, and someone being different is an acceptable excuse for discrimination.
one of them thought that it would be worthwhile to mention the black struggle, and how it took 100 years for them to be seen as legally equal to whites- but we're not in 1900. we're in 2006- shouldn't we be using the black struggle as an example? surely we won't force homosexuals to wait another 100 years before they are legally seen as equal to straights?
now... i'm a sympathiser- i'm not saying we have to run out and give them the right to get married yet... but at least give them the common courtesy of PRETENDING like you care about their plight.
it must be so hard for them to be different here... and feel so unaccepted and disliked just because you choose to be a certain way.
well... i don't know so much that they have a problem in the general community, becasue now that they're becoming more confident and comfortable they are popping up everywhere- it's the governement and the richer "powers that be" who have issue with it and a lot of locals will just sit back and accept it instead of standing up.

i don't know what will become of my little bassackwards island home... should i stay? should i go? i don't know.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

packages in the mail are cool

ee! i just received my new passport! it took less time than i expected, and exactly the amount of time they said it would- 20 days.
that's a first! i think i'm falling in love with the canadian system more and more everyday.

but my passport? why is it that i get excited every time i get papers? i dunno... legal is good. it's all spanky new and shiney and has a nice smell. i'm totally traveling on it in july. you know... so i can leave br in the dust and all the nice canadian boys will think, "what is that nice canadian chick doin with that island loser, eh?"
just kidding. i love br. and wouldn't leave him for a canadian. they smell like beer and pot. which isn't necesarily a bad thing, until you combine it with their love of hockey, lumberjack red jackets, and affinity to use the term, eh?, at the end of almost every sentence. they're violent too you know.

but anyway. i'm proud to be a beradian. (that's bermudian-canadian for those who don't know). yes. my heritage is fucked and my lineage is more convoluted than a pariah dog, but it's all good.

one country is the sensible older sibling type, with logic, reason, patience. the other is just... well... it's bermuda. and you'd have to be here.
in the next installment of my musings... i'm going to talk about how our nation is run by the church machine and how our government is made up of crack whores and ignorami. yes. the plural. you know you wanna watch...