i'm stealing again...
... this time from chris and chaos
project spectrum...
this seinfeld, season 1 & 2, volume 1 box is.... blue! i love seinfeld. i need to get volume 5 to be up to date with my collection. we have a lot of box sets because we only have three channels and not a lot of good syndicated shows come on them. like montel... or maury... but we do get judge judy!
this is my sexy puma jacket (that's actually getting quite dingy) that i bought when i was in new york o so long ago (good trip, could done with being their longer however...)... i lurve this jacket and wear it everywhere. but as i get bigger, it mysteriously gets smaller and is no longer the coverup i once intended it to be. fat only makes everything worse people. i still love you puma jacket (hugs) it'll go quite nicely with the pair of chocolate uggs i'm planning on getting when i move to america's favourite big sister to the north, canada.
this is pool water, what i get to see every morning and evening when i leave and come home. i have not yet swum in this pool water as it is too.damn.cold for me. yes. i am a wuss. if i go swimming at all it'll probably be like, august 28. the day before i leave. but you can enjoy looking at it!
last but not least... for your viewing pleasure, stuffed penis in electric blue man-thong. we were at (one of) the local sexy things shops and i couldn't help but capture this *monstrosity* on film. don't worry... i didn't force anyone to get naked and don this disaster, it's a mannequin. hence the overstuffedness of the dong. heh... and the distinct lack of furriness!
sigh... this has been fun.
now, some adorably cute pictures of my resident evil, napoleon.
alright fine. blogger refuses to let me post adorable pictures of napoleon so you'll have to wait for monday, when i have tme to fuck witht he bastrard.
have a good weekend kiddies! don't do anything i wouldn't!
Great pictures!! Heh, that skimpy little overstuffed boy thong is stupid funny. Have a great weekend! Hi, Napoleon!
I hope you're happy. I've been temporarily blinded by your electric bugaloo blue thong!
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