skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, June 01, 2006

packages in the mail are cool

ee! i just received my new passport! it took less time than i expected, and exactly the amount of time they said it would- 20 days.
that's a first! i think i'm falling in love with the canadian system more and more everyday.

but my passport? why is it that i get excited every time i get papers? i dunno... legal is good. it's all spanky new and shiney and has a nice smell. i'm totally traveling on it in july. you know... so i can leave br in the dust and all the nice canadian boys will think, "what is that nice canadian chick doin with that island loser, eh?"
just kidding. i love br. and wouldn't leave him for a canadian. they smell like beer and pot. which isn't necesarily a bad thing, until you combine it with their love of hockey, lumberjack red jackets, and affinity to use the term, eh?, at the end of almost every sentence. they're violent too you know.

but anyway. i'm proud to be a beradian. (that's bermudian-canadian for those who don't know). yes. my heritage is fucked and my lineage is more convoluted than a pariah dog, but it's all good.

one country is the sensible older sibling type, with logic, reason, patience. the other is just... well... it's bermuda. and you'd have to be here.
in the next installment of my musings... i'm going to talk about how our nation is run by the church machine and how our government is made up of crack whores and ignorami. yes. the plural. you know you wanna watch...


Blogger Chris said...

Woo-hoo on the speedy passport!!

Heh, my computer and the video? Not so much, alas.

4:25 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...


it was just the "i am canadian" commercial by molson... it's pretty funny, eh?

7:11 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

I've never seen that commercial before!

2:20 PM  

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