skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

a day in the life of my desk part 1...

as i have nothing better to do with my time at this moment in my time... i am sharing the joys of my workspace... enjoy

due to other people sitting in the near vacinity of my person and the fact that i don't have real walls only half walls that let people see only the utmost top half of me making me look like a disembodied top half of a body... i can not take a full picture of my deskal area.
however, these close up views shall detail the life of my desk in more intimate terms.
if it is not so apparent from the visual... i have no tendencies towards neatness. i'm messy as hell. the same holds true for my home life, which is a idiosyncrasy that irks br to the utmost. i am lazy. let it be known.

upon much closer inspection than this might allow, one might notice the left over donut and tuna fish sandwich crumbs that are haphazardly strewn about my desk that my insinuate that i am as messy an eater as i am a house keeper... this is not true. they jumped off the napkin of their own accord i SWEAR.
that aside... when i moved to this desk it was filthy as the occupantbefore me had dirty fingers. she was into dirty habits- she tried to get me to share but i refused. i have my pride...

the scourge of my existance

"i exist only to torment my balding pet mouse and to get in to, under and claw anything that so happens to cross my wayward path... plastic bags beware. you shall rue the day you enetered my domain... go ahead... start rueing!"

my evil precious has a tendency to crawl into any open bag, parcel or cave-like space and either try to tear it to shreds or get comfortable inside.

in this picture he is saying to me: "listen, stop being so damn pokey and go back to whatever it was you were doing. i'll be in your lap later to claw at your hands and chew on your yarn so it's all soggy and wet when you get to that section of your stupid project. be gone! off with you i say!"

he never really sits still long enough for me to get a good picture, that or i still truly suck at using my *awe inspiring* little digital camera that has taken up permanent residence in my purse. don't leave home without it!

but i'm desperate to get the.perfect.shot. of this cat, the one where he's doing his little dance and i catch him mid glare... it's hilarious. the hilarious-ness of it all must be captured on filum (or mega pixles, whatever the camera pixies think is best...) for all the world to see!

see his catalogued missadventures... the life of a over-protected, viciously bitting like crazy cat. my arms are covered in the little "love marks" that he leaves when he latches on with his front paws, mauls with the back and cobra bites with his pointy little teeth.

enough about my bastard feline... tell me he is cute! TELL ME!

"mwahahaha... i've ventured forth from depths unknown to steal your soul that very much inhabits your body right at this point in time so i can venture back to said unknown depths with your soul that is inhabiting you presently at the present... see my evil glowing eyes?! mwahaha..."

Monday, November 28, 2005

blast from the past

recently, i took a time traveling trip aboard this time traveling machine that i developed in my bedroom a few years back*

*i can't tell you what i used to make the machine because if i do then you will know and i'm trying to keep a secret, at least until i can sell the patent *pending* to some evil mad scientist who is bent on taking over the world by traveling back in time and taking control of all the companies that produce toilet tissue, therefore gaining control of the human bowl functions world wide... or something like that... the eviler the better of course

anyway... i came upon this scene from my past, when i was so innocent and cute and adorable and my hair was long and down to my belly button when it was braided and my dad used to stand behind me and take the ends of the pony tails in his hand and pretend he was giddying up... they were half the length of my body people.

this is a scene from when i graduated pre-school (my parents once left me on the steps of the building after school... my mom looked at my dad when he got home and said... are you forgeting something? and he said no... oh my (censord)!... i've been traumatised ever since... scared to death of being left... i didn't know why until they told me that a few years ago... bastards)

that's my dad on the left, cute little me in the centre, and my late nana somner. she wasn't my real nana, as in flesh and blood nana, she's actually my dad's brother-in-law's aunt but she used to look after children while their parents were working. she pretty much raised my brother and i between the ages of like a year and 4. she was a beautiful person who gave me my first taste of tea and made homemade lemonade with real lemons. her food was always delicious and her house always smelled good.
she used to do my hair, when i was even smaller than this, in little pigtail curls that she would slick down with vaseline.

you know, you always miss the great people in your life. in the end of hers, she had alzheimers and couldn't remember me. it was very upseting. her funeral brought people together. people that i had grown up with, cousins that i forgot about because i rarely saw them, friends, and others that she'd care for and watched grow into adults.
she's been gone for awhile now. i don't forget her, i don't know if i can... sigh. i've seen one too many people pass in my short time on this earth.

but i guess i should learn from the goodness in their examples shouldn't i?

Friday, November 25, 2005

"hmm... not was i was expecting... maybe i should just... step down here... all smooth like... pretend like i was never anywhere near this area... "

"look. if you take one.more.god.damned.picture. you're going to wish you had left on your long sleeves. got it?"

"what is out there?! i smell it... o... my... god... whatever is out there i will maul it with the fury of a thousand scorned kitties... okay maybe just one hungry me..."

is there anything better than the personification of the much loved family pet?

napoleon is getting bigger and it's getting me depressed... he should have stayed a meager little fluff ball forever damnit, then the reality of mortality and wrinkles wouldn't have to set in. he's been getting into shit lately. like bags. even when they aren't empty. or when the smell bad. like when i was cleaning his litter box and he went exploring inside the bag.

maybe if he wasn't so crazy we could visit people. huh, napoleon? we could all have a life... wouldn't that be nice?

i digress...

now that i have a digital camera i will be able to catalogue all of my little foibles and post them on the internet for the world to enjoy... sort of like an on going photo essay that no one wants to read and will never *ever* end...

and let me admit to my hideous jealousy of some of the other blog ladies that i read- my friend island girl was like "we should start a stitch'n'bitch here" but alas, i don't know if the popularity of such a fabulously great group would take on here in the island paradise.

but we'd try it and i'd stitch and i'd bitch and i'd add wine to the mix and maybe i'd get the other 54 squares of my 63 square design done in time to give to br's parents for christmas (mind my blasphemy, i don't like capitals)

to continue with the story... i think stich'n'bitch would be a fabulous addition to my hum-drum life. all i have is my sexy br, little napoleon, and baby visits every now and again when i feel like venturing to the far off land of sbf world.

neway. the next post should boast some more interesting photos... maybe i'll photo journal my trip to nyc with the girls...

in the mean time... i'm here late suffering for my cause. 7 o'clock can bite me. it can bite me damnit!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

back in the saddle

new york was four days of torturous walking and shopping. torturous shopping because i was trying to budget myself because i didn't want my suitcases searched when i went back through customs at home.


but i did manage to spend over two grand somehow... and i still feel like i don't have enough and i need more. always more.


i'll post some pictures as soon as i bring the programme to work and install it on my computer

Thursday, November 10, 2005

leaving on a jet plane

tomorrow evening i will be making my way across the vast atlantic ocean (all right not the entire ocean but it's still ocean) and finding myself lost in a sea of lights as i enter the city that never sleeps.

i am going to... new york.

this will be the first time i've ever been (don't sound so shocked... it's actually the second but when you're wearing diapers it doesn't count) and i'm going with my best friend, two other girls i know and we're meeting some people out there.

the two other girls going are staying in new jersey. not interested. i want to be in the heart of the big apple, breathe the smog into my lungs and get pushed around by every ny jerk... i wanna be apart of the real city. yes... manhattan... be prepared to be photographed again for the umpteen millionth time in your history.

shopping... yes i will be shopping but not like i'm used too... i plan on perusing a lot of the big name brand stores... the ones that will let me in at any rate ;)

since i have a new camera... *squeal* i will be able to describe this visit in visual form... exciting? i know!