skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, March 29, 2007

you know how things go...

... and you know that things aren't always great. for me, lately, they've been pretty rotten.

because of the accident a few years ago i've had to wear a denture. it broke like, three sunday's ago. let me tell you, that thing was expensive. and we're *dirt* poor right now so needless to say i was devastated.

the next day, i woke up to a funny tightness in my chest. br had been sick all weekend, coughing and what no, and i was like... if i get sick i'm going to maul you. just my luck, i came down with the worst cold i've had in a long time. i was completely out of commission, coughing like a freakin lunatic. didn't leave the house. no school. no gym. no food even. the only upside to that week was i lost 5 pounds (remember that ladies - if ever you need to lose serious weight in a short time, rub up on some snotty kids or lick the subway hand rails. you'll see results in no time flat)

anyway... i had to get a new denture, which meant finding a new dentist and that was painful. although i'm not afraid of going to the dentist, i find i'm rather traumatized by the experience. i can be as happy as a pig in mud but after the dentist, i am no good.

i had to wait a week for the new piece. and during that time, i had to go to class and talk and you know... horrible things like that where people would be see
ing me at my worst. and they did. and i lisped my way through french.

i've also been just plain low lately. br and i have been back and forth, off and on... it's been terrible. i haven't had the energy to go to the gym, eat properly, or e
ven care. i've lost the will to pay attention to my school work. really? i just want to be left alone. right now, instead of working on my 2000 word essay about on don delillo's white noise and murray siskind's point of view in relation to the narrative, i'm blogging. procrastination, thou art thine enemy.
what's worse? in about an hour i have to do an interview for my news reporting class and i just don't feel like it. like i said, don't care anymore. but it's due tomorrow and i'll be damned if i'll hand that in late. the english teacher is more lenient than the news reporting teacher. because she's trying to teach us what real life is like. you know the kind. you've all encountered them.

the good news is, i got my appliance today. i hate it, really. it's uncomfortable and weird, nothing like the other one. although the colouring is much better. but that's neither here nor the

i'm just really negative lately and i thought i'd share.

they did such a good job, you can't even tell...


Your Vocabulary Score: B+

You have a zealous love for the English language, and many find your vocabulary edifying.
Don't fret that you didn't get every word right, your vocabulary can be easily ameliorated!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Claire Danes/Patrick Wilson - The Gap Commercial

never been a big fan of claire but i totally love this commercial...

ruminate on this

so really... i'm just sitting here tonight watchin my good ol' television when i start to thinkin about how unnecessary the stuff going on in there is...

at the risk of sounding like an old foggie, there's too much blatant sexuality running around on screen and in the streets and on the covers and in the pages of magazines. when did this become so common place? i mean... i know our dear friend brittany spears and the siren xtina are to blame for the beginning of the movement but all of a sudden i feel like i've been slapped in the face with this... overtness of sexuality.

sex is pretty much everywhere. i'm surprised br feels he still needs it with all the scantily to near nekkidly clad women crawling around all over the place.

when did being sexy become a recognizable and celebrated attribute? i guess it's always been inherent in society - the prettiest people go the furthest and what have you... but seriously... isn't it a really fucked up way of being?

okay, okay... i believe in survival of the fittest and i think we're all searching for that one mate who is genetically perfect and strong to produce the healthiest offspring. i believe that... but... weren't we calling people who dance on pole's strippers a few years ago? i thought we didn't really like them... they were synonymous with seedy dives, grease and venereal disease. now everyone wants to be a stripper. sure they make good money... but i don't want to bring one home to *my* parents...

it's like society is so completely obsessed with sex and sexiness... how can anyone be sexy anymore? it used to be something special but now it's everyone... it's a heterosexual lovefest. then we get mad when the homosexual's want to get in on the action but how the hell can that be fair?

and we wonder why babies have become the latest in fashion accessories. younger and younger, we're being inundated with sexual images from the time we burst forth onto the scene... how could impressionable young minds not want to participate? look how happy those girls seem, wearing nothing and bumpin' and grindin up on these boys, how happy those boys look, boys who aren't really even trying to win a girl's heart, who just show up in the biggest t-shirt, lowest baggy jeans and shiniest bling. bam! i got me a woman.

who cares if you can't understand what i'm saying because of my grill. look at the bling! so what if my pants are so baggy you could fit two of my gangsta buddies up in there with me... i got ladies! cuz you know why? ladies ain't got no standards now days.

maybe ladies don't have standards anymore. there aren't enough role models out there... and the ones that claim "i don't want to be a role model" need to take a step back and realise they're in the public eye, with lots of money and cool clothes. like it or lump it your influencing people so why not try to make a good difference instead of helping the next generation find their way into the gutter?

stop glorifying sex! it's good enough on it's own without everyone making references to it constantly! what happened to obscurity? what happened to subtlety?

le sigh. i'm locking my children in a box until they're 21 when i'll just turn them loose on society. i'm fine with that cuz they'll be old enough to make their own mistakes. i'm too afraid of them growing up to damn fast... don't you miss being a kid sometimes?

Friday, March 02, 2007

this is why you never go back (or... justice for all!)

from the royal gazette feb 24, 26, and 27:

A man was sent to prison for six months on Friday for repeatedly failing to attend the Bermuda Regiment.

Jonathan Dale Hayes, 24, was enlisted in the Regiment in 2003 but has failed to show up more than 100 times.

The man, who lives on Park Lane, Devonshire, has been hauled before a Magistrate previously and reprimanded for failing to fulfil his duty.

In May 2005, he was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, for failing to show up to 16 sessions of Regiment training. In September 2005 he was brought before the courts again and given another suspended sentence for missing an additional 19 sessions of Regiment training.

Crown counsel Cindy Clarke did not say why Hayes suspended sentence from May was not enacted when he appeared before the court again in September.

Yesterday, Magistrate Khamisi Tokunbo said Hayes had been given multiple chances yet continues to flout the laws of the court.

He appeared in court yesterday for failing to attend 66 Regiment training sessions since February 2005.

Hayes said: "I want to say sorry to the courts and Regiment."

The 24-year-old was sent to prison for six months and his two suspended sentences will run concurrently to his current sentence.

if only i could have been in the front row of the court... i think i might have been thrown in contempt because i wouldn't have been able to stop myself from laughing my ass off...
if you haven't guessed by now... the loser described above was my *shudder* ex and he really made a mess of my life. i... well... was "unfaithful" the night he finished his first year training course.

needless to say... please... laugh away!