skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, March 22, 2007

ruminate on this

so really... i'm just sitting here tonight watchin my good ol' television when i start to thinkin about how unnecessary the stuff going on in there is...

at the risk of sounding like an old foggie, there's too much blatant sexuality running around on screen and in the streets and on the covers and in the pages of magazines. when did this become so common place? i mean... i know our dear friend brittany spears and the siren xtina are to blame for the beginning of the movement but all of a sudden i feel like i've been slapped in the face with this... overtness of sexuality.

sex is pretty much everywhere. i'm surprised br feels he still needs it with all the scantily to near nekkidly clad women crawling around all over the place.

when did being sexy become a recognizable and celebrated attribute? i guess it's always been inherent in society - the prettiest people go the furthest and what have you... but seriously... isn't it a really fucked up way of being?

okay, okay... i believe in survival of the fittest and i think we're all searching for that one mate who is genetically perfect and strong to produce the healthiest offspring. i believe that... but... weren't we calling people who dance on pole's strippers a few years ago? i thought we didn't really like them... they were synonymous with seedy dives, grease and venereal disease. now everyone wants to be a stripper. sure they make good money... but i don't want to bring one home to *my* parents...

it's like society is so completely obsessed with sex and sexiness... how can anyone be sexy anymore? it used to be something special but now it's everyone... it's a heterosexual lovefest. then we get mad when the homosexual's want to get in on the action but how the hell can that be fair?

and we wonder why babies have become the latest in fashion accessories. younger and younger, we're being inundated with sexual images from the time we burst forth onto the scene... how could impressionable young minds not want to participate? look how happy those girls seem, wearing nothing and bumpin' and grindin up on these boys, how happy those boys look, boys who aren't really even trying to win a girl's heart, who just show up in the biggest t-shirt, lowest baggy jeans and shiniest bling. bam! i got me a woman.

who cares if you can't understand what i'm saying because of my grill. look at the bling! so what if my pants are so baggy you could fit two of my gangsta buddies up in there with me... i got ladies! cuz you know why? ladies ain't got no standards now days.

maybe ladies don't have standards anymore. there aren't enough role models out there... and the ones that claim "i don't want to be a role model" need to take a step back and realise they're in the public eye, with lots of money and cool clothes. like it or lump it your influencing people so why not try to make a good difference instead of helping the next generation find their way into the gutter?

stop glorifying sex! it's good enough on it's own without everyone making references to it constantly! what happened to obscurity? what happened to subtlety?

le sigh. i'm locking my children in a box until they're 21 when i'll just turn them loose on society. i'm fine with that cuz they'll be old enough to make their own mistakes. i'm too afraid of them growing up to damn fast... don't you miss being a kid sometimes?


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