skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Monday, July 31, 2006

cup match time again

it's cup match time again, my lovlies (as evidence by the heading of this here post) and the smell of fried fish, hamburgers and crown & anchor lingering in the air is not far off. two days to watch a bunch of overweight gentleman chase a hard, red ball down the centre field, trying to knock over some "sticky wickets" and bowl out the other team.

two years ago i looked like this:
please pardon the pixilized look it's not my fault really... that's my best friend smelby (shelby) and my hair was long. see the people in the background? Cup Match is hugely popular here, people go all out.
buying the outfit is a major part of it and the paper is running tons of pre-Cup Match ads - red/blue for somerset (west end), light blue/dark blue for st. george's (east end)... east end all the way!
this was four months after my life altering accident (if you look close you can see one of my teeth is chipped right in the front. devestating) and i was about... 30 pounds lighter... also evidence by the fact that i can't wear those pants anymore. i still rock the hat though. (also please note that summer's staple beverage, the bacardi pineapple breezer. still a favourite)
last year i hung out at home with br (i think) and we had a pretty succesful party. i don't really like going to the game - it actually bores me to tears.
this summer, even if i wanted to go to the game i wouldn't be able to because i'm the patsy at my second job and i have to take all the shifts that no one else wants to work.
i'm off on the thursday but that's about it... we're going on the boat with my parents - no drinking there - on the thursday and then i'm working friday, saturday and sunday, and in the evening so it's not even like i can enjoy my time off. br's off the whole four days.
thinking about it now really aggrivates me. i'm getting incensed inside- like really pissed off because i'm tired of having to be the one to carry everyone else and not get compensated for it. but i don't really like making waves so i'll grin and bear it until i leave and relish in the fact that she'll be hard pressed to find another employee as good as me. it may sound self-centered but there aren't a lot of honest, hard-working people out there and unfortunately i've had to suffer through working with a lot of them. they know who they are.
at any rate. i wanted to go to the game again this year, if only to get felt up at the entrance, down a breezer and have an overcooked hambuger with some greasy goodness fries- the traditions of where you grew up. i love tradition and those few things that make your home just that, your home. i may not be proud to be a bermudian but there are a few things i don't ever want to let go, no matter how boring they are.

Friday, July 28, 2006

keeping you up to date...

... cuz you know you're all constantly worried about what it is that's going on in my life right now. all of you. completely concerned.

yea. just so everyone knows, the exceitment that i was feeling in regards to that apartment that i was going to get, is gone. why? because the deal fell through. why? because the people i was dealing with were completely abnormal and not in any way doing me any favours and i dislike them very very much. they can go munch on a horses ass for all i care. poor horse (sorry horse!).

they were just making my life a living hell. here i am running all over the place to try to apease these people and just nothing was good enough. so i said (french expletive) you people... i'm taking my business elsewhere. and i found this other apartment that looks more decent and is right across the street from the park.
br is pissed because it was a waste of a trip. if we were just going to find a place online then we could have saved the umpteen thousand it cost us to go over there. needless to say i sent a pretty sarcastic letter, thanking the rental office lady but not the super who was really being a female dog. *not impressed*.

but i was poking around online and the other place, like i said, seems nicer and i spoke to the manager of the building and he was *really* helpful, and on his day off too. it doesn't have a whole lot of amenities and we have to pay for hydro but it's better than nothing and it's actually closer to the school than the first.
the mother figure in my life (read: my mom) is worried that this shady apartment complext (with the rude people) are going to try to find a way to keep hold of my $850 deposit but my friend was like, remember, it's canada. you can sue. although sueing them would cost a lot more than $850... but i could sue for legal expenses too. or i could take them to judge mathis. if i bat my eyelashes a little maybe he'll rule in my favour and give me more for mental stress or whatever the hell they call that... anquish? something...

so i'm just waiting to hear back from the second building as to whether we've been accepted. it's really nerve wracking - can't imagine going out there and not having a secured place to stay.
i've been drinking a lot lately because of this added stress- because obviously work stress and school stress and money stress is not enough. that's just my life really... one big fat disgusting ball of pain in the ass. whon't it be ice when i have an apartment and i can post from there and show all the wonderful and fabulous images of my new palce? and great view? and sleeping form because i won't have to be getting up in the morning to go to work and my home will be close enough to the shool to go home for lunch breaks?

sigh. :D everything is goig to be OK.
*i'm trying to add pictures but for some reason blogger hates me today, like the rest of the universe and is being tempramental. it will not let me post pictures. gaddamnit.*

Monday, July 17, 2006

quick post

hi all...
we're back from the good all cda and not necessarily lovin' it.
we found a decent place pretty close to my school (read: close enough to walk but not close enough to throw a stone at) and it's a decent price...
really ready to move out there now and just say to hell with the next six weeks but i guess that'd be a dumb move considering the consistant paycheque right now... that i really need.

did a bit of shopping, a lot of drinking, and didn't have enough fun. apartment hunting is stressful and canada is hot.


peace out peeps.

Monday, July 03, 2006


hello all...

although i'm not really that missed here in the interweb... i thought i'd put out a banner to explain my up-coming hiatus from blogger.
i've moved to a new position for the next 35 business days and am not situated in a spot where blogging at all hours of the day are readily accepted... so yea. not a lot of blogging in the coming weeks.

but you'll survive.

when i come back it will be from a different continent with lots of pictures and surprises, hopefully a pair of socks and another kitten. we'll see.

at any rate. i'll still be doing my usual drop by's because, well i can't live without a little jamie drama or chaos rsm... and project spectrum which i totally abandoned in its prime. or my prime of it... whatever.

see ya latas peeps.