as much as i would love to be a photographer, i believe their species is *totally* overrepresented in this society, and there's nothing i hate more than being thought of as a follower... i like things that are unique. i don't want to take pictures for pictures sake... so i'll follow things around with my little 4 inch digital camera that i can break out just about anywhere. it gets the job done, right?
hence, my visit to the zoo, with my little cousin sinder, who just turned 8. i haven't blogged about sinder's situation yet... it makes me far to angry. no no, it's nothing like he has an incurable disease or anything like that... just... you know family :s. anyway... i just really wanted to spend some time with him because he deserves it so we went to the bermuda aquarium museum and zoo (bamz), even though the weather was pretty stinky.
harrington sound...
eee! if you look closely you can see the shadow of, i believe it's a wallaby but i could be wrong.
bear cat!!
another wallaby, but this one's much smaller... and sleeping...
look how cute it is! i can't believe it sat still long enough for this...
feral peacock!!!
pretty pink birds. i probably should have taken the pic more close up... because they were such a beautiful colour...
some turtles on a log...

harrington sound...

this is my smelly friend andrew... he works there on sundays - right now he's about to go help clean out the big tortoise holding pen... omg did that *smell*... my other friend helen works at the bamz too... she gave us a tour of the slimy scaly things in the back. sinder got a real kick out of that... i on the other hand, did not.
tree kangaroo! i love these little guys... although i think they're might only be one now...*sniffle*
flamingos aren't native to bermuda... but there was one that hung around one of the ponds for awhile. i think they recaptured it and put it back with it's buddies here... i like flamingos. i guess all birds are cute but there's something about flamingos that i enjoy.

Labels: bad photography, bamz, sinder