skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Monday, December 19, 2005

friday is date night...

yep. that's about right. and since br was working, i cozied up to a lovely chilled bottle of beringer white zinfandel (unsophisticated? or quick drunk... uh huh) and me and naps palled around abit wrapping presents.

drunk wrapping is physically taxing.

drunk skylarking with the cat is even more harder... because he's got all his wits about him and i ... well obviously i didn't.
but i did manage to get most of my presents wrapped without incident... however i left a price tag on one and br had to unwrap it and remove the offending sticker.
even when i'm drunk i wrap real good...

and what is a present wrapping session without wrapping the cat up a little i ask you... what? so i put a pretty festive bow on naps. okay... it took me two attempts but eventually (when he was groggy and half asleep) i managed to tie it and take some pictures. some decidedly upside down and out of focus pictures, but pictures none the less.

(side note... while i'm working on this i'm eating my linner (that's lunch and dinner)... it's one of those lean cusine meal things. it took forever to cook and the chicken meat substitute is kinda gross... but i'm hungry so i'll eat it anyway. that is all. carry on with your regularly scheduled reading... or vouyerism... which ever floats your boat)

"look lady... you, your camera and your pathetic crocheting are going to have to suffer my flailing limbs if you don't get the &%^*!!! out of my face!

he admitted defeat and accepted the lovely cream bow that i tied on him. he didn't realise it i think, until a little while later... heh... i'm sneaky like that

i make a cameo in this one! i was trying to be all mariah carey into my wine glass (hence the hair) but you know how it is... when you're drunk and you think you are what you really aren't. you can see the very appreciative look on naps face... i put the camera upside down so i could get this one... the others kinda make me queasy so i won't subject you to them. one thing you probably can't notice is how *red* my face is... i get really hot and red when i drink... very... i dunno something-ish.

eventually he figured out how to get the bow off and chewed it to bits, much to my chagrin.

then on saturday night i went and painted the town an interesting shade of orange- it were my best friends company xmas party and to save her from ruining her night with her...*cough* man (and i use that term as loosely as humanly possible) i went with her instead of to br's party that woulda been mug anyway.

she got more drunk than me...

and i'm still wiping glitter off my eyes. it's such a shame that i *love* sparkly stuff... so so much... sparkle sparkle sparkle...

as for the xmas present hunt... i'm still working on procuring the last few straggler gifts that are nagging at me. my parents are having their 30th wedding anni tomorrow night so i had to go get presents for that as well as presents for my mom from my dad for that... how wonderful am i???

yes. bow to me, give me every award imaginable i am *super* daughter...

and the handmade stuff is coming along... i ran out of wool *gasp* part way through making the afghan and because it looks so... uh... amature? i haven't taken any pictures yet because *i don't want anyone to see it*

and i got my knitting hand back... (see. i bought all this knitting stuff for my mom including a book with 99 stitches and needles and being the... less than super daughter that i am i totally bogarted and used her stuff *sheepishly* but i pledge to buy her more and not give her what i've already used... cuz that's totally lame... right?)

but yea... i started working on a scarf for br. it's cream but he likes that colour ;)

anyway... i'm going to go do some more xmas work... as santa's bitch i don't get to sleep


Blogger Chris said...

Busy busy busy elf! ;)

Love the demented and flailing pictures of Naps ("I am a bad ass kitten and don't you mess with me! Well, unless I'm taking a nap."), and good job with the cameo shot - I have yet to master those.

Wait a minute - you're afraid to post pictures of your afghan because you think it doesn't look good enough?! Have you seen my mitten pictures?!

Afghan! Afghan! Wanna see the afghan!!


5:00 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

i *love* your mittens!
afghan pictures are forth coming as i have started to meld the squares together.
it's coming along... yea... coming.


7:01 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Aw, thanks. :)

8:10 AM  

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