skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, December 08, 2005

better now

i'm feeling better after some free business lunch *free lunch rocks...*

some company decided it would be within their best interests to invite my boss and myself to lunch to "get to know us better" and "establish a relationship"...

well establish away, i say, as long as you keep throwing free stuff at me i'll be *just* peachy (please include one major new item from one major new launch each month... thank you.)

but now after i've eaten at a so-so restaurant (the acoustics are terrible and the metro-ly dressed itlatian matire'd was soooooo loud and italian greasy i was afraid his hair would end up in my food- had a brief scare with my bread... *shudder*) i'm tired and ready for a nap

thanks to the info from a wonderful source in all of her knitty goodness and desire for the truth... i now have an even greater fear of public places, especially restrooms. fecal plumes?? fecal germs??

they are everywhere... there are germs eve.ry.where. (glance around nervoulsy because they are watching. did you know that? i am not ocd nor do i profess to be to others but occasionally the urge to just not ever touch anything ever again in my life... including but not limited to myself and others... because of the germs...

did anyone see that movie with the couch jumper and the little girl who always knows way too much and is just a leeetle bit to insightful for her age? you know the one... with the people in it?

the people! i know you know this... right. war of the worlds.

disclaimer: if you have not seen the movie and would like to, please do not read on. this discalimer relieves me of taking the blame for my telling the end of the movie, like i'm about to do. you can't be mad. *smile*

germs. it was germs. germs that killed the stupid aliens. yes... i know they killed the aliens which is a good thing... (because the aliens woulda killed us and plowed our planet making room for some sort of... parking garage planet or something...) and that we need germs to kill more aliens that wanna make our planet into a parking garage... but they are still disgusting *blech* thinking about them makes me want to vomit a little in my mouth...

but i'll forget until i go to the bathroom again and wash my hands like eight times until they are red and dry and scaley from the bad bathroom soap that they buy here and then i'll use the crappy towels that they give us to dry my hands just so i can forget and open the door with my bare hand and have to wash them all over again.

i have anti-bactirial lotion in a holster on my hip so i can whip it out at the first sign of germies...

so answer me this- do you think it's a smart idea to bring a 3-ish day old baby out of the sterile hospital and just less then the hospital sterile house and into the germy, filthy, dusty, nasty office building where your husband works, and have dirty, nasty, snotty, newspapery people poke at him?

am i the only one that sees something wrong with that??? REALLY


Blogger Chris said...

I'm a proponent of exposing kids to germs and dirt and all that fun stuff. Toughen them up. Put hair on their heads. Whatever. :)

2:51 PM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i know... iwatched the movie last night (and already knew the story from the book, but still)

germs are evil.

a baby should be exposed slowly. but not at three days.

3:20 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...

kids are germy all on their own...

i'll probably feel differently about them when i have my own but right now? please make sure all babies are squeaky clean and lemony fresh or else i will stand three feet away and look...

my friend's baby is always clean because her mother is crazy. but he hasn't really been anywhere yet...

8:37 AM  

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