skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

things i've noticed

  • thanks to miss kendra, i have developed an obsessive potty habit that consists of several steps: step into stall; lift seat with toilet paper; be careful that clothing items do not touch any surface of bathroom area; not touch *anything*; shut lid with toilet paper flush and run; wash hands twice; sanitise hands with handy sanitiser situated at desk

i've also noticed that sometimes when i have to go i have performance anxiety and i can't so i go back to my desk and realise that *now* i have to go so i look *really* stoopid walking back and forth... smile and nod people, smile and nod.

  • because i do not touch anything on my visits to the porcelin playground, i have very strong legs :D
  • my hair looks fabulous today... i mean really really fabulous.

the curl gods must be on my side or something, maybe it's the great green sweater i got from h and m and they are just applauding my uber fashion sense abilities or something

  • i wish i had mariah carey's pipes... she's got awesome pipes... and her voice ain't half bad either. i mean i'm saying like, my voice isn't so bad that dogs are howling and glass is breaking and stuff but it's not hers... i am coveting her voice. you hear that mariah? i covet it. give it to're past your prime anyway.

on another note, it's sad that they executed stanley tookie. (please see story here: he made changes in himself and if anyone was going to make a difference it would be the person that put it together in the first place. at least he might have had some ideas on what to do.

because of dubya there are thousands and thousands dead. he's not going to get the chair, or lynched, or publicly stoned. he hasn't really made anything better...

would you execute albert einstien? or how about alfred nobel? i mean, his invention has caused countless deaths and spawned numerous versions of explosives.

sorry tookie... we make mistakes that we regret whole heartedly and we try to atone for our sins but nothing changes the past, no matter how many souls you touch, nothing changes the past, it's the only concrete constant in the world. your decisions avalanched into a problem that plagues your country nation wide and as badly as you felt for doing it, too many people are suffering because of it. reformed or not i guess the only answer was to make an example of you, although it'll fall on deaf ears because no one is comfortable with the path you chose, they are comfortable with their culture of violence...

to lighten the mood, a little napoleon:


Blogger Chris said...

Thanks for expanding my perspective on Tookie's execution. All I really knew was the soundbite from the radio.

The Napster is one cute kitty. I might have to steal him to keep Chaos company - one Naps forgets how to open cupboards, that is.

Or maybe that would be really bad. Two smart cats combining their brilliance sounds very dangerous!

3:28 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...

they could take over the world !!!

i think that is kind of a scary thuoght but i'd get used to kitty rule tho i guess... as long as i still get some love its all good

7:22 AM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

glad to be of help!

i also levitate while using the facilites.

it's a good workout.

10:01 AM  

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