skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Monday, December 12, 2005


... i am sitting at my desk eating a banana (anananana) and humming/singing to myself (to the tune of the oscar mayer weiner song) "my balogna has a first name, it's h-o-m-e-r... my balogna has a second name is h-o-m-e-r..." and that's really as far as you get because that's as far as homer gets when he's singing that in the tub

yes. that is what i've been doing today. that and reading the papers (sometimes i read the stuff about what went on in parlaiment over the past few days and i totally find myself thinking about something else when i'm halfway down the page and i have to start back at the top so i can somewhat understand the drival- really the opposition is just calling the government on all their stupid ideas and stuff... nothing new... bad soap opera)

and i remembered that the evil ok was skulking around again this morning at 5 in the morning... trying to get a rise out of my stinky napoleon. which he succeded in doing. at 5 o'clock this morning. when i look like this.

anyway. he's been throwing himself against the door a lot and it really *really* shakes... for some reason i have this irrational fear that this crazy cat is going to throw himself right. through. the. glass. and into my unsuspecting living room to pounce on my unsuspecting napoleon.

that or one day when i leave the house he's going to attack me from behind because i squirted him in the face this morning when he was hanging around the door...

*heh* sorry about that eok... you know how it is... no hard feelings? safe...

so i don't know what to do about him or my apparently genius feline who has taught himself how to scale the cupboards and repel back down... and how to open the friggin things (fig 1).

he is just this innocent looking little beast with visions of violence in his little head (fig 2).

please consult diagram:

i was tagged again by chris and her super black cat chaos (please see almost every post) and i will do this tag justice a little later in the day but i *actually* have some work to do today for once... in between reading the paper and blogging of course... which is wh i did this post before i actually did some work. keeping up appearances is hard!


Blogger Chris said...

Aw, shucks. :)

Woah, he figured out how to open cabinet doors??? Oh oh. At 5 months? Oh oh. I can warn you that having a smart cat is more, um... challenging than having a dumb cat. (See, for example, the reason I have all of my sliding closet doors bungeed shut.)

Chaos hasn't figured out that he could all-too-easily open cupboards - and I hope he never does, as I would hate to have to get those childsafe things.

9:05 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

i think the next logical step for us is the childsafe things because he's gettin in there! i'm afraid soon he's going to open the fridge because he's TOTALLY taken to exploring when the door is open.

i got a pic of that but he's lost amidst the left overs... hmm...


11:31 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like he's almost ready to be on My Cat Hates You or in Bad Cat.

But I think you're right - time to childproof your kitchen, so he doesn't get into something that makes him sick. :(

11:37 AM  

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