skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


this image evokes for me a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach...

i imagine being there would be like walking down a deserted road with only the echo of your footfalls against the hot pavement to keep you company

see the oil floating on top of the water, turning vibrant colours of yellow, purple, blue,

there is no one in any of those buildings. it's a ghost town... i think if you travelled along the makeshift venitian streets, those buildings would lean in on you, trying to suffocate you with their many vacant, glassy eyes, the way they've been suffocated by the water

if you could stand on that and close your eyes, you might get confusd as to whether or not you were actually standing on the sky... it's a backwards world, a mirror world, an accident...
maybe they should all become mermaid people, fish people, so they can adapt to their new aquatic environment. how long would it take humans to adapt to that?
natures destruction is circular... she's taking back what we took from her... that fact doesn't make it any less menacing... the innocent suffer for the wicked...


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