skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Monday, August 15, 2005

task completed

i've realised the truth is relative.

relative when telling it might get your ass kicked... in a world where people don't know how to use their words anymore and the first reaction is violence... you don't want to tell the truth cuz you might end up with a stab wound for your troubles... i zipped it instead of mouthing of to a mouthy boy that thought just because his skin is darker he can make unnecessary comments and we (me and my other half) being of lighter colour, would be intimidated. not intimidated, just not stupid like that... because even if we did end up putting him in his intellectual or lack-there-of place, he'd turn around and do something ignorant to prove his point... which isn't really proved at all... just exclamation-pointed

those who fight and run away live to fight another day... sometimes it means you're a coward, sometimes it means you've got enough sense to know the other guy is going to cream you and you're better off looking like a woosie than taking it... i know i'd rather spend my weekend having fun than in intensive care with tubes coming in and out and a respirator helping me to breathe.

truth also hurts... so be careful who you weild that double-edged sword with because it cuts like a knife baby... cuts like a knife...


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