skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, August 10, 2006

3 parter

1) i believe in 6 degrees of seperation

yesterday my belief in kevin bacon's theory was proved correct again -

do you recognise this famous face?

why yes! it's our favourie aussie phone thrower, russell crowe! (i believe you're innocent russell, just smile and it'll all be okay...)

no... i'm not telling you in know him personally, but you see that happy little cherub with her arm around his shoulder? yea... the cop that arrested his butt? yea... she's my co-workers half sister. so... the equation?

me - coworker - half sister - russell crowe

apparently he sent her roses and a card or something because he was so embarrased and sorry that she had to arrest him. sweet, huh?

don't believe me yet? let's try one more.

do you know her? her smooth cool lyrics and black power attitude have made her a favourite among the young jazz crowd. india arie.

come on me, there's no way you know her. how could you? you live a secluded life on that tiny little island nation of yours. well... that doesn't mean that everyone that lives here is sheltered. my equally gorgeous co-worker and friend at one point allowed the talented songstress to crash at her pad...


me - friend - india arie

really... it goes on and on...

2) terrorists are getting old

this whole terror thing is starting to drive me crazy a little. i mean.. i wish i were the type of person that could be all sneaky and spy-like and totally bourne identitiy because i'd seek all these "major players" out and take them out... like that!

it's sad to think that this is what we are letting our world come to - a few idiots with their own agendas are ruining it for the rest of us, all in the name of some god who probably doesn't really give two shits anyway. he's off playing with his train set or something. kids get bored easily.

the latest almost attack has me really peeved - now they're saying you're not going to be allowed to travel with liqueds and stuff like that. no toothpaste, not water, no spray on deoderant. there's going to be a lot of smelly, unkempt travellers from now on. it's ridiculous! we're all being held hostage and made to suffer because of this... "necessary" war. i wish their balls would drop or something - somebody needs to have the courage to stand up and say "enough is enough". if i were the world's mother, i'd be putting a lot of people in some serious time's out right about now.

3) fall out boy make me want to toss my panties on stage

i just bought fall out boy's new cd. yes. okay... those two songs are hideously catchy althogh you can barely understand the garbled lyrics of one lead singer with his geeky visage and page boy cap. i enjoy their beats and their attitude so much, i think i might have to follow this band around and do groupie type things. not sexual... just groupie... you know what i mean? o... there's no difference? well then...


Blogger Jamie said...

I was listening to the Fall Out Boy album as I read this! I LOVE the song XO.

Just call yourself a BandAid like in "Almost Famous." But wait, they all slept with each other too...

1:32 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...

ah jamie... you're comments make me smile... :) see? i wasn't lying!

do you know what? 18 days left.

:D there i go again!

(i'm lax to admit i have yet to see almost famous. it's embarrasing yes i know, please don't shun me)

5:30 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I like your 2-3 degrees of separation there!

Hear ya about the whole terrorist thing. *sigh* It's a sad and depressing world we live in......

11:50 AM  
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