skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Monday, April 17, 2006

for jamie

as mentioned by jamie, i have not posted in a while. this is because my whore of a boss decided to go on and have her baby and has left me here to cover her work and mine for three months while she *puke* spends time with him.

of course i think he's an adorable baby and i don't mind the extra work or stress, it's good for me and good for my resume, *not to mention i'll be able to ask for a sweet little up in pay when she gets back...cha-ching*

so to conclude the last post...

here it is... my iminent death, just waiting to happen (i hope it's not today too... it's a little overcast) :


you are scared! you are frightened! he is... well... he's just a peugot luxor scooter. that's all... nothing really ferocious about him. it's the roads that scare the hell out of me (they're really twisty and wind-y and scary) and the other assholes that are "using" them. cuz passing on the inside is the *in thing* now. and having a death wish... i forgot about that.

i am constantly in fear when i travel to and from work on that thing... i feel like the wheels are going to go right out from underneath me. i go about... 45-50 kmph... which is roughly 30 or so mph. yea. slow. you could probably walk faster than me. but that's kew... it's all good. i like my life thankyouverymuch.

i had a bad accident in 2004 and ever since then i've become more and more paro about travelling (and other things but that's another blog for another time).

it's worse when it rains because all i have to protect my person is, you know... nothing and a helmet. there are no sides to that... do you see? no sides! if a car drives by and goes through a puddle, you are SOL my friend, your shit is soaked through. and don't even think about turning around to go home, because then you will be L.A.T.E. and you will have to S.P.E.E.D. it's a prerequisite.

people like to tail gate me, which i think is ludacris because if i slide out, their front and rear tires are going to be leaving tread marks all over my front and rear body, which is pretty and i'm not sure i want it marred in that way. open caskets being the rage nowadays and all

i slow down. it pisses them off. i think several people have turned off to go a different way so they don't have to be stuck behind me. i laugh and continue on my merry way. but yes... my fears are founded... i'll probably get over them, or else they will get worse as i stew in my own paro little universe

hopefully this week i will be posting more... with blurry drunk pictures from thursday (sadly, br and i got into a fight so the drinking ended before midnight and there are none of my fabulous one handed signature group shots... you know the ones where i just hold the camera at arms lenght and fit all 18 gajillion people in the frame? i'm good at those...) and gooey deliciousness from easter.

o yea. and some more gratuitous cat shots.

*bam!* there ya go! cat!

"i'm crazier than that damn bike, and you know it. tell them how i opened the fridge. *tell them*. and about how i steal fish from the pot, even though it's not cooked and salty as hell. yes. that's right, it was salty and i licked all off it and dragged it through the bathroom just to spite you..."

add in: *i totally and completely almost forgot to thank jamie for fixing my blog so it doesn't make me want to be violent anymore! she rocks! and because she does... she is going to be receiving interestingly insightful postcards of bermuda... the island paradise.*

and maybe if i can muster up some change something a little more exciting than postcards. cuz postcards? they're woo hoo and all but nothing says thank you like rum filled chocolate cake...*drool*


Blogger FRITZ said...

I know. I have a Honda Hornet. Isn't it fun? Wheeee!

3:02 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Roscoe's damn cool looking. But curse the tailgaters and splashers!

Hi, Napster! Dang, you sound more evil than Chaos. I'm not sure that's a good thing! ;)

4:50 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Your bike is so cute! I want one!

I would most surely die though. I don't even feel safe in my bone-crushing SUV at times...

7:13 AM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

gratituitous cat shots!


10:02 AM  

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