skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

things i observed on my ride to work

  • riding in near hurricane force winds is hard... i don't suggest it to anyone
  • almost everyone is an asshole... (obvious exceptions apply)
  • no matter how fast you are going... you can't out run the rain

i also observed the forlon looking golden lab that sits at the entrance to his house every morning. you'd think he was guarding it, but i think really he's just sitting there waiting for his family to come back...

"any minute now... they're going to come around that corner... any minute... now.. no..... now. now.... now! damn it."

he makes me sad. i would stop to take a picture but i'm afraid he'll wander over with his sad puppy eyes and want to play and i might not be able to leave him alone...

*update*: i've also observed that certain expats (you know... forgeiners that move to your country and take over...) or people that are from here but move away (usually to england) and come back thinking that they're better than anyone else because they say "charming" and "darling" and "mists of time"... are phoney and irritate me in such a way that i would enjoy (to coin a phrase from jamie) grabbing anything sharp and stabbing it into THEIR ears... this probably wouldn't shut them up but at least they would know not to talk when they are around me.

the english accent (or fake-ccent) makes me violent.


Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like a soggy ride to work. Blech. Hmm, it doesn't sound like those ex-pats are worth getting jailed over.

How is the Napster?!

6:43 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

i have several gratuitous cat in a box shots that i keep forgetting to upload.

he's a pain in the ass but he loves me so that's all that counts.

8:11 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

i have several gratuitous cat in a box shots that i keep forgetting to upload.

he's a pain in the ass but he loves me so that's all that counts.

8:11 AM  

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