skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, December 01, 2005

day in the life of my desk part 2 (and other stuff)

i have come to the realisation this aftermorning that i am... *drum roll*... crazy.
and if not fully there, am definitly on my way.

i am crazy, semi-stalker, fuzzy picture taking person with nothing better to do at work then make my way down the crazy path to oz with toto and the scarecrow fighting at my side (see... the scarecrow wasn't really real but evil and toto could sense that so he's protecting me from the strange straw thing that won't stop following... it's all in my head)

neway. to continue with my crazy streak... here are more pictures of stuff

i never said my desk was exciting... it's just a desk... where i sit and read blogs all day *whoops* i mean work...

*nervous giggle*

yea... work.

i use the shitty phone to make very important phone calls to very important people who will talk to me about pet poo and how important the beach view is... it's *very* important.

someone... some *rat bastard* stole me white out right out from under my desk's nose. that and my crazy kewl note pad that had the company logo on it. if i were to steal anything it would be said crazy kewl note pad because they give me everything else for free because i am a WRITER and i NEED STUFF for free (us writers, we don't get paid much... *)

*side bar... the skanky newsreporters who make their own hours and don't have to come in until 11 and 2 in the afternoon, who all drink like siamese fighting fish and are extremely loud and at time increadibly *rude* and *obnoxious* make oodles more money than i do. i hate them.*

here is a photo of br's desk. well... br doesn't really have a desk so much as he has a counter and the entire back part of whatever is behind the counter that normal folk who don't work behind the counter aren't supposed to see. but you are privy.
i do not like le spot so much. i did my time there for two and a half years and sometimes i help stuff the customers til the pop because br is overworked and he needs the help.

please notice that many people go to le spot on a regular basis. they enjoy the artery clogging air and smell that clings to your clothes like seinfeld's mutant b.o.

br must wear his name on his shirt so that the beasts that he serves can tell him apart from the horse spit who is his quote un-quote boss.

le spot is a very popular location for bumming becuase you can stand outside the window and look very very sorry while people eat. sometimes they throw them crumbs. other times br chases them away with a broom.

i am also crazy shopping lady. last night i got to go to the pharmacy because they had a special promotion with the bank that i use. 15 (or 20... my mom says 20 but she's senile) percent off everything in the store. i am crazy at pharmacies. when in new york i spent over 200 hard earned dollaroos at the pharmacy. please do not leave me alone in them. i will hurt myself.

anyway. i did spend over 100 dollaroos at the pharmacy but i got two raffel tickets, which in any other case i would not have gotten because i'm a terrible gambler and do not ever win.
also this week i bought(br bought) two dresses for me to choose one for my xmas party on saturday... a pair of highly unnecesarry shoes, a pair of very neccessary shoes, and a shirt.

i am a shopaholic. i am addicted to shopahol. and i am a shoe whore.

neway. i will leave you with pictures of my crochet project that is taking me very very long to finish
notice the ease with which i hate the yarn that i chose. it makes me sad :(

63 f-ing squares.

and more knots than you can shake a stick at...

in another side note... i will soon be getting some much necessary advice on the pesky ink that infests certain areas of my person. i would send photos immediately however, the display of my photoing said areas is highly inappropriate in a professional environment.


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