skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Friday, October 07, 2005

babies smell like babies

i visited the baby last night...

he looks like... well... a baby would look like i guess... he's the youngest baby i've ever seen and he smells!

what's the significance of that? i asked sbf is she was going to smell like baby everywhere she went but she said no...

sbf walks into grocery store for formula. people start sniffing the air
person: i smell baby!
2nd person: me too!
person one and two, followed by others begins sniffing around for baby. come up behind sbf in diaper aisle.
person: baby?
sbf: wtf?
person: o... it's just you...
person, 2nd person and crowd of disappointed followers disperse leaving sbf standing with formula in one hand, diapers under her arm and confused expression on her face
end of scenario

i dunno... it's little, and i didn't really want to touch it cuz i have big hands and he has little hands but i poked him a little. shelby hoe poked him too but didn't touch him

it's funny to watch people that aren't baby proficient... cuz we were like... ickle... and he spit up and stuff... *fights urge to dry heave at desk*

i dunno what it's going to be like when it comes time to have babies... if i ever have the cahonies to have babies that is...

my very dear friend likened it to this:

"pushing a watermelon through a nostril..."

and i will leave you with that... pleasant... visual

p.s. baby! baby! baby! baby!


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