skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Thursday, December 07, 2006


so you are all aware of the move.

we have found a wonderful new place and i'm please.

however. this wonderful new place is taking an unforseen and unwanted toll on my bank account and now i am forced to go out and bring home the proverbial bacon. right...

i *hate* job interviews... i don't like performing in front of others while i can watch them watch me (count stripping out... the theatre i can handle). but what i hate even worse are these goddamn group interviews where they throw a gaggle of over-excited, over-eager and undersexed girls into a ring and get them to answer a bunch of stupid, ill conceived questions that supposedly relate to working in retail. RETAIL. okay, i understand in doing your research and your homework and going in prepared... but these f*ck heads are asking you to bend over backwards impressing them so you can spend 8 hours straight on your feet raming merchandise down the throats of unsuspecting customers who really just came in for a pair of socks and maybe a hair brush, only to pay you a dollar over minimum wage, which is at least $10 less than what i was making at my full time job...

i know we all have to start somewhere, but to make it seem like this is the be all and end all is just ridiculous and i can't even bring myself to going into these things acting as if i care cuz i really don't. i just need a pay cheque to supplement my increasingly expensive habits and to pay the bills...

le sigh


Blogger Chris said...

Blech!! Sending you good luck!

1:16 PM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Can br not work?

11:26 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

br cannot work legally... and what he wishes to do i'm sure cannot be considered as working or legal...

le sigh...

i will take one for the team. as long as it allows me to buy things

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy, Happy Christmas to you all - Naps and pup included.
Have a wonderful New Year and I hope you get that job - whatever you decide to do.

8:19 AM  

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