skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Saturday, October 07, 2006

and it takes a turn for the worse

so interweb... i have news.

it's all shocking.

we decided last week to run out to montreal for the weekend to visit my family. that's where we are now... in montreal... at my cousin's house (pictures forth coming...) it's a beautiful city and we'd totally live here if the people weren't so crazy and freakin rude... hello? it's called excuse me? god.

anyway. we had to leave the animals with my best friend. she's a good babysiter. however, unfortunately, naps was his dear old adventurous self and somehow fell from her seven story apartment... :( yes people... i'm absolutely freakin devestated becaues i'm over 9 hours away from my little man and i can't be there to see him or hold him or touch him or reasure him to let him know everything is okay...

the vet has assured me that he's cautiously optomistic (yea. that makes me feel great huh?) and that there's no air in his chest cavity, no broken ribs, no damage to his bladder, etc... doesn't seem like too much damage to his brian but he had a nose bleed and a mark on his forehead and his hip is dislocated. i'm devestated i can't say it enough. i've been crying all freakin evening.

to make matters worse, the fucking (yea it deservses that language)... 24 hour vet has decided that they need $1500 deposit and that we might have to pay between $2200 and $3000 all together in the end. is that ridiculous? i think so... i feel i might have to take this mother fuckers to the better business bureau or something. i'd sue but i don't have the money.

i really just want my naps to be okay but really? kick me when i'm down like that? come on? can't i at least get a good bye kiss or something? i swear... i'm going to walk into that place backwards and bent over... "know how i am? recognise me now? yea? you remember that... take it me... assume the position and take it like a man.... yea you know me now."

i'm going to have to take a loan out but my kat is worth it... my baby is worth it... :(


Blogger Jamie said...

Oh dear. Oh dear. No way to cut the weekend short? Can your parents help you out with the money?

Poor Napoleon. I'm thinking of both of you.

7:29 AM  
Blogger citizen student said...

it doesn't make sense to cut the weekend short because there's nothing we can do there or here... other than f* someone off for such a ridiculous effing price.

br asked the woman if there was some kind of installment plan and she said no... and he said what do people do when they don't have that kind of money... and she's like, they call their friends and family.


7:35 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Oh, yikes!! Poor Naps. *sniff* Poor you and br.

Sending Chaotic Healing Energy(tm) to Napster. Chaos and Mayhem also send licks and purrs.

10:36 AM  
Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

*good energies from los angeles being sent to toronto*

poor napoleon.

julius and nimoy send cat hugs.

12:33 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...

i believe that it is because of love that he is getting better and only needs a $3000 hip surgery to be completely happy again...

5:59 PM  
Blogger Monkey said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Poor little guy.
Cats are surprisingly tough though.

The Emergency Vet Clinics are all like that. They've got you where they want you. We were just there today. (Urinary tract infection.)

Sending Love and Prayers to Napoleon.

And hugs to you.

8:38 PM  
Blogger dont eat the token said...

*~*kitty prayers*~*

I can only imagine how upset you are right now. I pray your kitty is in full recovery mode.

My friend's cat tried jumping up to a high shelf, fell and skewered herself onto a stake in her orchid plant. $2700 later she is okay. All kitties are worth it.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Momo said...

On no! I'm soooo sad for you! I'll be praying for you and your li'l kitty.

And I totally agree that your kitty is worth any amount of $$$$...

I would mortgage my house for mine!

Keep us posted!

9:00 AM  

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