skewed life view

stokin' the flames of obsession, one dollar at a time

Friday, December 22, 2006

if everyone's telling you it's wrong...

... why would you still believe it's right?

i'm sure by now it's obvious that i have a huge shopping problem and perhaps less obvious i am in love with what not to wear...

one thing i don't understand? why people think that what they wear looks good and they want so badly to hold onto things when everyone, all the people they know and strangers on the street, think they look hideous. HIDEOUS.

if stacy and clinton (*i heart you too, honestly*) came to ravish my closet i'd let them throw out everything and hang on their every word.

i guess no one really likes to hear negative criticism about themselves but... i mean.... they're their to make you look better and feel better about yourself...

the funny thing is that most of the people are so stubborn and don't want to let go of their old looks but in the end they reluctantly have to agree that yes, if you take care of yourself and wear clothes that fit, do your hair and occasionally put on some make-up you actually look good.
first impressions my friends, first impressions. i very much believe in first impressions and find it hard to believe that lawyers, doctors, teachers, etc expect people to take them seriously when their first impressions are usually so negative.

bad fashion habits and bad habits that need to be removed from society...

now aren't those the faces of people who know what they'e doing with your closet? stacy - i want your job. and your hair.

xmas. it's xmas time and my folks are up for two weeks. yay! it's quite exciting but i realise as much as i love them i need to limit my time with them. something you learn when you get older eh? yea...

everyone's got their family stories... and i'm no different but in keeping with the theme of the post... my brother lives on the other side of the continent and my mom was trying to call him earlier on in the day.... apparently his girlfriend answered the phone and said "who the hell is this" and now ma mere is all in a tizzy because she don't take kindly to that kind of thing... but my bro is sayin she never said it and so's the girlfriend.

maybe i would think, hey, you know they're probably just defending her, but apparently she was in the room at the time of the alleged phone call with her father and his lady friend and they didn't hear the so-called "expletive"...

mater is up in arms and everyone is walking on eggshells to get her to let it go. i think it's the new fued for the year.

*le sigh*

*stuck in the middle with you... here i am stuck in the middle with you... clowns to the left of my jokers to the right here i am stuck in the middle with you*

merry xmas y'all! hope santa's as good to you as i've been to everyone else


Blogger Chris said...

Oh oh, I think you would take a stick to me if you saw me in the street! ;)

Families... I spent maybe 6 hours with my dad and stepmom and that was PLENTY. Love hanging out with my brother and SIL at least...

Happy holiday to all of you!

7:47 PM  
Blogger said...

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6:10 PM  
Blogger citizen student said...

yay! i should take a stick to my mother and her ice cream pants but i don't... we just poke gentle fun


my brother's on his way here as i type this from calgary. haven't seen him in a year or just under.

excitement! earl ate the cheese of the table!

6:15 PM  

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