i'm not a critic but...
i know good cinema when i see it (i also know good fashion, good food and good entertainment)...
hollywoodland? not really good cinema.
adrian brody did a great job - i never saw him in "the pianist" but i saw him in "the village" (thumbs down! didn't like him as a retard) and he was a believeable time traveller in "the jacket" (he really does cracked out creepy thin guy well)... but i really enjoyed his portayal as detective Luis Simo in this flick.
however, i really really do not like ben affleck. everything he touches turns to bull plop... *bull plop*!!! he over acts every role he's offered. how is he still getting work? won't someone in hollywood please, please put this man out of his misery? sigh... your serious face isn't working on me ben... hang it up and get back to what you're really good at... whatever it may be...
i like bob hoskins - although he seems type cast now... i guess that comes with age...
and robin tunney... she's got a memorable face but that seems to be all she's got going for her... i know i've seen her somewhere but where i just can't remember...
last but not least, the incomperable diane lane - she always delivers but i don't care what anyone else may think, hearing the word "cunt" come out of anyone's mouth is just not attractive. at any rate... she's got such a timelessly gorgeous face that works on so many levels. don't ever get old laney!
all in all... if you haven't seen it in the theatres, don't waste your eight bucks... wait until the dvd release... or maybe until it comes out on tv and you don't have to spend any money on it.
on another note, there's a new, star-studded movie in the line-up, and i feel like i've seen it somewhere before ... and i feel like someone already won an academy award for it... but i guess infamous is breaking new ground... cuz why else would such big names as sandra bullock, daniel craig, jeff daniels, gweneth paltrow, isabella rosalini and sigourney weaver tie their names to a copy cat... *i mean*... masterful piece of cinematography...? you tell me.
yes!!! someone who has seen Hollywoodland totally independently of me! Okay. Tell me. Did you notice the scenes where you can see the mic at the top of the frame??? or the one where you can see the ENTIRE boom?
this is vital. I've been dying to know.
thank you for your time.
ps. agreeing with Ben Affleck being a tool.
How bizarre that they are making another Capote. This is just one of those classic examples of the Hollywood Game "Follow the Leader" or "Simon Says". *sigh*
I missed that movie but I rented Gus Van Sant's "Last Days" and it was god-awful. Supposed to be inspired for Kurt Cobain. If I wanted to watch a guy fumble about on a handicam, I'd watch my friends' drunk videos.
thanks jamie. that movie was fuckin aweful...
AWEFUL. what a waste of a movie..
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